
Suspension Overview

A vehicles suspension is made up of three components, the tyre, the spring and the shock absorber.
All three components need to be in good working order to keep the tyre properly in contact with the road.
The basic function of a shock absorber is to keep the vehicles tyres in contact with the road.

The shock absorber regulates the movement of the spring and is the final crucial link in ensuring a smooth and more importantly safe ride. Even with new tyres and new brakes, unless all shock absorbers are in good working order vehicle safety is compromised because of reduced wheel contact with the road.

Effects of Shock Absorbers

A vehicles suspension is made up of three components, the tyre, the spring and the shock absorber. All three components need to be in good working order to keep the tyre properly in contact with the road.

  • At 80km/ph your braking distance is 2 to 3 metres longer with defective shock absorbers, even with ABS and ESP. This can be the difference between stopping safely and hitting a hazard.
  • You will have less control of your vehicle when cornering, towing or driving in wet or wintry conditions.
  • Other components may start to wear as they compensate for the worn shock absorbers.

8 Signs of worn Shock Absorbers

These are all signs that your shock absorbers could be worn and need replacing. You should replace your shock absorbers every 80,000km in order for your vehicle to handle and perform in the way the manufacturer originally intended.

Nose Dive

Harsh on the front breaks, Suspension
Lose of rear brakes, Traction


Internal impact, abrupt reaction
Noises, Jarring feeling

Body Roll

Excessive movement to one side
Requires steering corrections and braking to regain control

Tyre Wear

An evenly spaced wear pattern
Rapid tyre wear, traction loss

Acceleration Squat

Front end rises, back end lowers
Front drive traction, control & steering loss


Side to side movement, unresponsive feeling
Requires steering corrections

Bottom Out

Suspension moves to far, strikes body bumper
Noise, traction loss

Traction Loss

Tyres lose road contact
Loss of breaking, steering and acceleration

When Should I Replace My Shocks & Struts

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Elandsfontein, 1406


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